Friday, October 12, 2007

Week 4 #9

Well, I think I'm back to kicking and screaming. I explored Feedster, Topix, Syndic8 and Technorati and thought that all of them were equally confusing to use. Particularly on Technorati - first it defaults to "All" which gives you an array of information that is too general, then when you click "Entertainment" you get way too much information on Britney Spears, which frankly isn't entertaining. I bypassed "Technology" "Sports" and "Business" since I know nothing about any of them but I did take a peak at "Politics" which should probably be labeled "Entertainment" so that no one confuses it with real life.

I don't really see the point of these search tools - I would think that the easiest thing to do would be to go to a site (news or otherwise) that you like and RSS from there - or mention to friends that you are interested in certain topics and they can send you links.

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