Thursday, November 29, 2007

Week 10 #23

Looking back over this journey, I find that "the more things change, the more things remain the same." I can't help but compare nearly every aspect of the 23 things to it's precursor in the non-computer world. Blogs are just computerized diaries (Mary Chestnutt would have had a ball in the 21st century!); wiki's are lists (these aren't attached to the frig door but same difference); youtube is an in-your-home equivalent of the traveling circus/vaudeville; and avatars are paper dolls for adults (with WAAAAAAYYYY more choices!). I'm glad to have learned many of these things just so I can help our patrons (I've already started developing a Zoho class for my computer students), but as I've posted before, I think that many of these things are not positive, not helpful and desperately need cataloging rules!

Week 9 #22

Now this (emedia) is something I can wholeheartedly endorse! I'm not thrilled about the books to read online because I find it hard to curl up comfortably with a computer (someone should invent one about the size of a teddy bear and extremely mushy!) but I love the downloadable audiobooks, music and the videos. And, as a librarian who is constantly deaccessioning items that have been ruined because someone (who shall remain nameless but whose initials are "patrons with children and/or pets") has allowed the DVD to be used as a frisbee, the cassette to be used as a chew toy or video to be put in the player right after junior finished stuffing a PB&J sandwich in the slot, I really appreciate the fact that this item I'm borrowing will be just as good when I get it as it was when it was new. And even though I've used this technology in the past, in really looking through it, I am amazed at the selection.

Week 9 #21

This is one of those things I'm undecided on. I can see that it could have some positive effects (I love the information about library exhibits and enjoyed the Library channel offerings) but, like most of the internet, there has been too much adding and not enough editing. Just sorting through one keyword listing is a nightmare. But with diligence, I think this could be a great thing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 9 #20

Not only am I back to kicking and screaming, I am appalled that this site, which is semi-BLOCKED by our filters (although there is a way to get around the filter by clicking on that it is being used for "work-related purposes") is being used as a teaching aid. This may be a generational thing or it may be that I am not a TV watcher but I actually think the problem is that after you've seen the kitten massaging the puppy and said the obligatory "AAAWWWWW!" the point of this site is to promote free filth. There is no other explanation for why a site that is supposedly a place to share videos allows film of hard core sex, live executions and people shooting up heroin to be shown to children. Let's be real, if I want cutesy, I can watch America's Funniest Animals; if I want news there are a lot of legitimate news sites but if I want filth, it's been gathered, sorted and filed alphabetically. Thanks YouTube!

P.S. I do appreciate that the filters do not allow me to order Victoria's Secrets.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 8 #19

I am now embracing the technology! This Zoho thing is wonderful! One of the most asked questions I get in my computer classes is: Does my computer come with Word (or Excel or etc.) and I have to explain that no, that's extra most of the time. This is a fantastic application for people who don't want to buy MS Office and the best thing is it's available wherever there is a computer. I love being able to save my stuff and then just open it up on another computer and its there - this is especially good for people who are job hunting. Instead of having to carry disks or flash drives (many of which get left behind or get corrupted from being schlepped around!) you simply open up the application and voila! there it is! And with it being MS friendly - you can easily pop it open, save to a Word file and then send it if you must have a Word document.

Week 8 #18

I think I pretty much talked about my feelings on computerized social networking last blog - I don't like it. I think it's a way for people to hide behind words and avatars. Just as with the wikis, I can see that a group might have a social network to keep up with what's going on - my mother's family has one for the family which is spread out all over the states and into Europe, but just to put information on the web randomly, like casting a worm into the lake to see what you get, is simply beyond me. If these people are so interested in actually having a relationship with someone, why don't they get out and have one? Instead of joining, why don't they volunteer somewhere or join an actual club with real people? Sorry, I just don't get it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Week 7 #17

I know this will sound anomalous since a lot of people believe that the new technologies are bringing more people together, allowing people to share their thoughts, wiki-ing, blogging, etc., but the few times I have looked at places like, blogs, and other technorati that are "bringing us together" I have thought that technology is actually keeping us apart. First of all, each of these sites represents a person sitting alone in front of a computer (even our patrons that are sitting elbow to elbow are strangely alone in their own little world) and that means the person is not sharing with a real someone. And, how much are we losing by limiting our face-to-face contact? How many of these people behind the blogs/spaces can live up to whatever they are writing? And why aren't they involved in a flesh and blood relationship (I don't necessarily mean boyfriend/girlfriend, but just friend/friend)? Are we turning into a nation that lives through a screen? And if you only connect online, are you losing the ability to have a "real" relationship where the other person sees you with your not so perfect hair and a few extra pounds instead of the beautiful avatar you have posted? And are we turning into a people that likes the shadow instead of the reality?