Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 8 #19

I am now embracing the technology! This Zoho thing is wonderful! One of the most asked questions I get in my computer classes is: Does my computer come with Word (or Excel or etc.) and I have to explain that no, that's extra most of the time. This is a fantastic application for people who don't want to buy MS Office and the best thing is it's available wherever there is a computer. I love being able to save my stuff and then just open it up on another computer and its there - this is especially good for people who are job hunting. Instead of having to carry disks or flash drives (many of which get left behind or get corrupted from being schlepped around!) you simply open up the application and voila! there it is! And with it being MS friendly - you can easily pop it open, save to a Word file and then send it if you must have a Word document.

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